The Lee County Sheriff’s Office encourages you to take the time to go through your medicine cabinet and remove any unused, unwanted, and expired medications. After gathering your prescription and over the counter medications, you can safely dispose of them utilizing an anonymous and secure lock box located at our district substations and main headquarters.
“Prescription medications play an important role in the health of millions of Americans, but can pose significant health hazards to toddlers, teens and even family pets if wrongfully consumed,” said Sheriff Carmine Marceno. “Our lock boxes are in place to provide citizens a safe way to rid their homes of useless medications that can ultimately fall into the wrong hands”.
Lock boxes are available to the public Monday through Friday during regular business hours at the following locations:
• Central District, Headquarters – 14750 Six Mile Cypress Parkway, Fort Myers
• North District – 121 Pondella Road, North Fort Myers
• East District – 1301 Homestead Road North, Lehigh Acres
• West District – 15650 Pine Ridge Road, Fort Myers
• South District – 10520 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Please make sure you:
• Bring all medications, including prescription and over the counter in a sealed plastic bag.
• Do not bring needles or other “sharps” as they cannot be accepted.
For more information, call the Lee County Sheriff’s Office Community Relations Section at (239) 258-3280, or visit our website at http://www.sheriffleefl.org.